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Presence of Program GHG Mexico at the National Strategy of Climate Change (ENAC)The last May 25th, the Mexican president Felipe Calderon presented the National Strategy of Climate Change (ENACC), where the Program GHG Mexico is included as an effective initiative of the industrial sector to fight climate change , through the accounting and report of Green House Gas Inventories, and identification of improvement opportunities and emission reductions...

Relaunching of  Program GHG Mexico Within the framework from the Agreement signed between the Secretariat of the Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT), the Consejo Coordinador Empresarial through the Commission of Studies of the Private Sector for Sustainable Development...

Public recognition to the companies who have Publisher their report of GHG emissions inventory The Secretary of the Environment and Natural Resources recognized fifteen Mexican companies who launched the Voluntary Program...

COP11 The eleventh session of the Conference of the Parts of the Convention of Climatic Change (COP 11), was carried out in Montreal with the first meeting of the parts of the Protocol of Kyoto...

COP12 In November of 2006, at the city of Nairobi it was organized the twelfth conference of the Parts of the Convention of Climatic Change (COP 12) where it was reviewed...


Presence of Program GHG Mexico at the National Strategy of Climate Change (ENACC)

The last May 25th, the Mexican president Felipe Calderon presented the National Strategy of Climate Change (ENACC), where the Program GHG Mexico is included as an effective initiative of the industrial sector to fight climate change , through the accounting and report of Green House Gas Inventories, and identification of improvement opportunities and emission reductions

 The presentation of the ENACC at Los Pinos, (official residence of the president), counted with the presence of some distinguished national and international personalities like Doctor Mario Molina; Alicia Barcenas Ibarra, Assistant Secretary of the United Nations; Michael Zammit, Secretary of the Convention of Climatic Change and Ambassador of International Environmental Subjects of Malta, among others.

The Strategy identifies areas of opportunity, measures and ranks of reduction of emissions, besides to propose the necessary studies to define more precise goals of mitigation. Also, it outlines the necessities of the country to advance in the construction of adaptation capacities; in other words it defines the general direction of the actions and analyzes the net mitigation potential by area.

Besides the roll of the industrial sector, the president recognized the public and private companies which have begun to make the accounting and the report of their GHG inventories, and invited to more companies to be part of this initiative that already has allowed to report near 90 million tons of carbon dioxide. Also, he emphasized that in this front, Mexico is pioneering between the developing countries, since it is the only one that has displayed three national communications with complete inventories calculated based on international methodologies.

On the other hand, Calderon talked about the efforts in impelling the sustainability through the social and economic sectors. This holistic approach at the public policies is a necessary condition for its success. The importance of this multiple parties relationship is demonstrated through the participation of seven dependencies of the Federal Government to the development of the ENACC. The seven dependencies - Secretariat of Agriculture, Communications and Transport, Economy, Social Development, Energy and Foreign Relations, in addition to the SEMARNAT- integrate the Commission Intersecretariat of Climate Change.

In his speech, Doctor Mario Molina remembered the cost of inaction and the leader role that Mexico could play between the developing in the promotion of the international agreements required to face the problem. Also he said that “it would be irresponsible to inherit to the future generations a degraded environment which makes difficult to achieve lifestyle like or better than ours”

From the perspective of United Nations, Alicia Barcenas, remembered that the climate stability is an environmental global asset thus, the global heating is an international issue. Therefore from her point of view it is necessary to take global actions. She about the three special envoys, Mrs. Brundtland; ex- president Ricardo Lakes ; and Seung Soo, whom have a very special function and it is that they are going to engage a dialogue with all the presidents of the world so from upper of the political level they will know what the obstacles that each country is facing are

Finally, Michael Zammit Cutajar focused his speech in three aspects, the first one that the launching of the strategy is a sample that at Mexico the subject of climatic change has ascended to the upper level of the governmental policy. Second, the strategy indicates the will of Mexico to commit itself progressively to adopt policies and measures that help the development of the economy in a sustainable way; and third, the strategy confirms once again, that the country is arranged to share with confidence and transparency information on its objectives, its national policies, their efforts and to discuss this information without complexes with its colleagues in the international community

The National Strategy of Climate Change affirms the commitment of Mexico , and recognizes the Global Heating as a national problem. The president invites all the Mexicans, agriculturists, legislators, mass media, entrepreneurs, etc. to revalue the importance of the environment and to understand that without an environmental balance there will be no sector that survives. He cited “is about the future, is about the ones who will comes, is about our dear country, to finish soon, is about our world”

Relaunching of  Program GHG Mexico

Within the framework from the Agreement signed between the Secretariat of the Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT), the Consejo Coordinador Empresarial through the Commission of Studies of the Private Sector for Sustainable Development (CCE/CESPEDES), World Business Council for Sustainable Development WBCSD) and the World Resource Institute (WRI), the Program GHG Mexico arose some years ago. The event called by the SEMARNAT, the Private and Public Sectors, try once again to support and strengthen the commitment of the government as of the industrial sector to develop early actions to fight the climatic change.

Program GHG Mexico, has the objective to reinforce the promotion of the participation from the private sector to develop projects that contribute to the reduction of green house gases

The climatic change is a topic that has received an enormous meaning, the year 2006 was a year where the results of scientific researches were accomplished and all of them concluded that the climatic change is not a simple scientific projection, it has in addition a great economic importance and influence in different sectors due to his nature and complexity. Therefore a joint effort is needed to reduce the emissions

Since its establishment in 2004, Program GHG Mexico has offered technical qualification to Mexican companies to develop corporative inventories Green House Gases (GHG), through this training the participant companies are able to identify opportunities and mitigation projects, ways to increase their energy efficiency and to elaborate effective corporative strategies directed to construct a path towards sustainability and combat climatic change. The industrial sector plays a key role for the implementation of the actions to fight climate change, and Mexico is taking the leadership to implement programs that induce to the early and voluntary action.

Program GHG Mexico has been received very well by the intensive industries regarding the use of energy in Mexico . From the 45 participant companies, the entire cement sector is committed, a representative number of the iron and steel sector, so as the brewing, mining and the chemical sector, as well as companies of the public sector in the case of PEMEX. The program has obtained the development and published of 30 corporative inventories of GHG emissions. In 2005, the emissions reported in the corporative inventories ascended to 89 million tons of CO2e which represents 32% of the total of the industrial emissions from the National Inventory of GHG.

Although, the program has been successful, Program GHG Mexico, in this second phase intends to increase the number of companies and to strongly motivate its participation in international carbon markets, through emission reduction projects. Additional to these aspects, Program GHG Mexico tries to develop a long term vision, thus to establish a dialogue platform in the private sector for the Post-Kyoto agreements.

The advance and the achievements of the program depend almost to the great extent and confidence between the public and private institutions, the technical support of the WRI and the WBCSD, the enterprise commitment, alliances with chambers and associations, the establishment of an effective committee for pursuit, and the financing and support of international organizations as the Global Opportunities Found(GOF) from the British Embassy in Mexico and the Agency for the Industrial Development from the United States (USAID).

It is necessary to recognize that the Voluntary National Initiative of Accounting and Report of Green House Gases, now days known as “Program GHG Mexico”, has achieved the consolidation of alliances between the key actors of the Mexican society: financial organisms, government, companies, NGOs. These last are the key organisms which can transform the national consensuses into concrete actions towards the combat of the climatic change.

The Secretary of the Environment and Natural Resources recognized fifteen Mexican companies who launched the Voluntary Program of GHG Accounting and Report and made public their report of emission inventory.


In the presence of representatives of the private sector, the Secretary made emphasis of the relevance of the reported GHG emissions because they represent one fourth of the national total emissions generated by stationary combustion units of industrial processes. Considering the strategic and operative relevance that has the subject, the Secretary Dr. Fernando Tudela emphasized the efforts of the Subsecretary of Environmental Planning and Policies who with a set of actors has promoted spaces for the strength  of Program GHG Mexico. 

Once again, the Secretary of the Environment and Natural Resources Jose Luís Luege Tamargo, recognized the participant companies of "Program GHG Mexico" who made public their report of emissions inventory . 

During the event, it was recognized the effort of the private sector in reach synergy between the mitigation of climate change, the operative efficiency, the power security, and the goals of development; as well as  the importance of the investment and the innovation in the transition towards an economy of low intensity in carbon emissions. 

The event was carried out at Monterrey like a parallel event in the Second Ministerial Meeting of the Dialogue of Gleanagles on Climatic Change, Clean Energies and Sustainable Development, where the group of the G8+5, interchanged ideas and strategies to impulse goals and efforts in the long term.


The eleventh session of the Conference of the Parts of the Convention of Climatic Change (COP 11), was carried out in Montreal with the first meeting of the parts of the Protocol of Kyoto. During this meeting it was carried out a parallel event in where Program GHG Mexico offered presentations with employees from the SEMARNAT, the WBCSD, the WRI and some other Mexican companies’ participants. It was presented the benefits of the Program as well as an exploration of the future directives in the context of the advances of the policies of climate change at developing countries. The program was presented on December. The 2nd.

COP 12

In November of 2006, at the city of Nairobi it was organized the twelfth conference of the Parts of the Convention of Climatic Change (COP 12) where it was reviewed the implementation of the commitments, like the financial mechanism, the national communities, the transference of technologies, the creation of capacities and the adverse effects of the climate change at  developing countries. Also the responses and strategies were anaylsed in order to continue fighting this phenomenon. 



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